JFH reported last month on Delirious? drummer Stewart Smith's plan to leave the band early this year, but here is the official press release which includes letters from Smith's bandmates after his personal announcement...
"A little over twelve years ago Delirious? set sail on what was to be the most adventurous and exciting journey of my life. Five guys from the small town of Littlehampton – a seaside town only ever made famous by "The Body Shop" - dreamt of one day filling stadiums with the "sound of Heaven."
As I sit and replay the past years I have had so many highlights - so many times when a dream has become a reality - that it seems unreal to be thinking of a different future. But I am, and as of the May 1st 2008 I will embark on a new and exciting journey. I will no longer be the drummer who has seen so many things and loved every minute of life within Delirious?. For me and my family I am excited about starting a new career and a new future; Smeezer the Designologist will come into the world. I'm going to be taking all of the many experiences I've had and the skills I've picked up to launch a new creative agency.
I can hear you wanting to know the reasons why. Why would I want to move on? I have found the touring an increasing pressure on both me and my family. We function better as a complete unit than when we are separated for so many months of the year, and I wish to be at home, to be around and be far more local. I wish to develop myself further within the design business world allowing all of the gifting that I have been blessed with to explode out of me.
As you know I have had the chance over the last 12 years to continue developing my previous career within design as Creative Director with Delirious? and Furious? Records. I'm also really looking forward to getting stuck into Church life back home - Arun Community Church has been our home for the past 20 years and I cannot wait to see what emerges within a vibrant and dynamic Church. I also feel that I need to push myself; I could so easily continue playing drums within Delirious? and I could see myself in ten years time behind the kit continuing to pull the Stew Smee faces, but feel that I need to make myself vulnerable, allowing God to get a hold of me and sharpen me once again.
I am so excited for Delirious?. A fantastic future lies ahead of them and I will continue to be very much involved, both as a friend and creatively.
Please join me at my last UK show on the 29th of March at the Indigo Club in London and celebrate a journey that I would not have missed for the world.
Thank you to my family, Sarah, Abi and Jemimah for your incrediable support and devotion. To my four amazing friends Martin, Stu G, Jon and Tim for what can only be described as the ride of a lifetime. And all of you around the world that have not only sung the songs but are decided to a life of being true "History Makers." I am deeply proud to have been a part of this moment in history.
Stew Smith
Drummer Delirious?"Messages from the band:
It’s a bittersweet symphony this life. Playing in a band without the legendary Smeezer is the bitter bit; watching a man define his future is the sweet bit. It's time to retune the orchestra for the next movement. Go forth and prosper.
Jon Thatcher
When Stew started talking to us about moving on, I couldn’t imagine having anyone else behind us. Not just for the amazing faces, energetic performances, blood splattered clothing, brilliant drumming and cutting edge design, but also for the stuff you don’t see; the passion, the encouragement, the stamina, the training... also he’s a right laugh!!! He has been the perfect roommate in hotels and the best coffee maker on the tour bus. I will miss Smeezer! But wholeheartedly support him and wish him every success as he, Sarah and the girls launch into the next phase of life.
Stu G
For many years my life has been one of glancing to my left to see my brother in law Stew pulling me a face and egging me to press in more. Writing this seems at least a little strange, and at most quite unbelievable. We have walked this walk and talked the talk together for so many years, and to say I will miss Stew so much would only be a gross understatement. The value he has brought to us all with his playing, his creative input and not least of all his passion for life has been something that has helped us all become who we are today. Stew, I pray that you will know God’s hand upon your life as you move into your future-with much affection -
Tim Jupp
Change is here to stay someone once said... We do it everyday; we choose to change our deodorant or our mobile telephone contract or simply the way we walk to work. But not all change is easy or enjoyable, especially when it's close to home. In this case especially when your drummer decides to leave the band. It would be somehow easier if there were a fall out, a change of vision or a sense of relief, but there isn't. In fact the opposite. We are coming to terms with the fact that our brother, friend, creative genius is leaving the band to pursue some new territory and it’s a loss. A big loss.
Even though I've tried on several occasions to talk Stew out of it, somehow deep down we've both known that this is the right move for him and his family. Seasons change and it is apparent to us all that Stew is ready to fly into something new, something great and something divine.
I've often wondered what it must have been like for Stew, to spend hours and hours behind the drum kit looking at my back as I rally the troops with a microphone. But that's what Stew does best; he watches my back and helps me see life in a panoramic way. In fact for 15 years he's watched my back, through tears and laughter, through the highs and lows, through top ten singles and feeding slum kids together.
Life will never quite be the same without Stew on the road. I will miss looking behind me to a man killing his drums like he was at war with powers unseen or just running together on a country track trying to keep up or simply sitting in Starbucks hearing him talk about his kids.
Thank you for being on this part of the journey Stew. We have the stories to tell our grand kids and those stories have only been written because you gave your life to something extraordinary. We are proud to know you, proud to have done life with you, now go and shine and turn the world upside down.
Your friend and brother
Martin Smith
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